Thursday, December 18, 2008

Just to get started....

Since I have just started this, and since my typing skills are poor, - well they don't even reach the level where I can honestly use the word "skill" - I'm just gonna start by listing some the things I will be expanding on as I have time.

- in the left lane;
- who drive through traffic lights that have turned amber (yellow);
- who drive through traffic lights that have turned red;
- on cell phones (hands free or not) not for use while driving;
- understanding driving laws;






- littering

- we pay WAY to much;
- the "fair tax"

- doesn't "represent us" mean "represent us?"

More to come....

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Don't you HATE people who litter? People who throw crap out the window as they drive down the road or highway. Those people are trash themselves. Well IF I WERE KING, if you saw someone throw something out the window of their vehicle, and I include cigarettes and cigarette butts in that, and you could get their license plate number, you'd later make a call to an 800#, or maybe a number like 311 or something and report them. The owner of that car would very soon receive a letter saying something like, "The vehicle displaying the license plate ####### has been reported to this office for committing the crime of littering on (something street or highway) on the date of (MO/DAY/YR) at approximately (time AM/PM). Be advised if this vehicle is reported 3 times a citation will be issued to the registrant of said vehicle. MINIMUM fine is $1000, 30 days community service litter clean up, and points against your drivers license. A fourth and subsequent reports can incur higher fines, more community service, possible suspension of driver's license, and jail time. Ignorance of the law, saying it wasn't me, and other excuses will only be considered contempt of court and is no excuse. Have a nice clean day!"

DRIVERS - CARS - TRAFFIC LAWS and enforcement

(this is an incomplete post)

There actually would be fewer "street cops" as far as traffic enforcement goes. All cars, besides the license plate, would have would have some sort device that can be read by monitor devices. This may be something like the device people have on their windshield that is read electronically as they go through a toll booth. Or maybe its a bar code type thing on the car top. I don't know how it would work right now, but I know there are electronic wizs out there that can figure it out for me. Minor detail I think. So besides the "code readers" along the road ways, there would also be cameras. Off setting the fewer traffic cops would be the "highway monitor" officers. These would be fully trained police officers, but rather than being on the road they would be in the monitoring centers watching the roadways. Cameras would watch all roadways, but especially the major highways and interstate. Traffic light cams would be everywhere.


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Ignorance of the law? No excuse. The law would be taught to all people at some level of education. Everyone would know how the prison system works and know what their "options" will be if they are sentenced to prison.

The prison system would be privatized. It would still be government run or monitored, but the prisons would be owned by private owners FOR PROFIT.

How would that work? Well prisons would be some sort of commercial or industrial business. The owner(s) would be in it for profit. "Prisoners" would be the employees. They would be paid a reasonable, maybe even competitive wage. Everyone in prison, just like the rest of us, would work or be on "welfare*." (* see posting on welfare for public welfare). In prison, "welfare" would mean a prisoner gets the barest minimum required to exist. A six foot by 8 foot private cell. A cot/bed. Three basic no frills meals a day. A water fountain. A toilet shower combo. Those necessities would be "provided" by the government through tax dollars. (I really don't think we'd need many of these cells). If a prisoner wants to watch TV, he needs to buy a TV. Just like the free do. If he wants cable TV he'd have to pay for it to be turned on and pay those ridiculously high monthly fees just like the free do. He wants to read a book? You guessed it - buy one. (there'd be a library, but you'd have to work to have a library card). A prisoner wants to "go out to eat" he'd need money to pay for the meal just like the free do. Of course in prison you wouldn't exactly get to go "out" to eat, but you'd be allowed to go to the food court and choose your meal. He wants to work out in the gym, he'd buy a ridiculous gym membership. Just like the free do. A movie? Money! What's an adult ticket now, sixteen bucks or something?

I think you get the idea. The prisoner would work for the owner's business or be on "welfare." He can earn and save and invest and go to school and basically live "the free life." He'd just do it in prison where he can't hurt "the free."


(this posting is incomplete)


(this is an incomplete post)

There should not be a death penalty. I'm not a religious fanatic or someone on the moral high ground and I don't claim to know what's best for everyone and how everyone should act. But I don't think execution is right. How many times in recent years have you heard of a prisoner being released when new evidence turns up. Or DNA testing proves his innocence. You say well now they can do DNA on all cases, so that should not be a problem. Or you say, that person was caught red handed. Well even if that is true, by what right do we get to kill them? By what right to we get to kill anyone? Now I'm not talking about war, defense of nation, property, family or self. I'm talking about just killing a defenseless person. Now you say "Defenseless? That person murdered 10 people in cold blood. He's not defenseless." At the time he committed his crime, no he wasn't. Strapped to a table about to get a lethal injection? Yes I think that would be called defenseless.